Entering the education details is important and it is always good to describe the degree / diploma, major you selected and grades you got.

  • Select Education from the drop down or click on Education from left Nav
  • Add a Title, some of the examples are. Always expand the degree, as short forms change from place to place
    • Bachelor of Commerce (Accountancy), St. Xaviers College, Mumbai 
    • Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical), XYZ University, ABC City
    • Bachelor of Design (Fashion Technology), Fashion Institute, Milan
    • Bachelor of Business Administration, Business College, B-City 


  • Write your degree like Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Capitalize the first letter of each word (except of, in) like Bachelor or Commerce
  • Add your college name and city name
  • Always spell check

Do not:

  • Write your degree like B.Com, B.B.A
  • User lower cases like bachelor of commerce, write Bachelor of Commerce
  • Add a description with grade/percentage and any other important information you want to share about your educational qualifications
  • Pick a start date and end date, if you are still studying select the expected graduation date
  • Click on 'Add to portfolio' button